Long Fish vs Fish Simmons vs Piseas.

Here is my explanation so everyone knows the differences between a few of my fish models.

Fish Simmons

This is my most versatile fish template in my quiver. I can build boards from 4 feet up to 12, using multiple fins set ups as well. This is the fuller fish template.
Fins: twins, tri and quads (all depending on length)
Features: long parallel outlines, pretty flat rocker, minimum 10” tail block
Bottom contour: long single to double barrel concave thru the vee plane.

Long Fish

The “Long Fish” signifies a Keel Fin Fish from 6’4 to 7’2. It’s my version of the Long Fish that Skip used to build me, starting in 2001-2002. I’ve tweaked and changed some of the features over the years, but the basics are this:
Length: 6’2”-7’2”
Bottom contour- single concave
Fins: slant back double foiled keels fins built from marine ply


The Piseas model runs with contemporary rocker, is a ½” narrower than the Fish Simmons and is solely twin fin.
Length: 8’0” and under
Bottom contours: similar to the Fish Simmons, long single to double barrel concave thru the vee plane.
Fins: High aspect twin fins, based off the Larry Gephart template.